• TourTurka

4 Days Ephesus - Milet, Priene, Didyma by Bus - YK106

Views : 250
Price : 227.18
4 Day
4 Days Ephesus - Milet, Priene, Didyma by Bus - YK106
4 Days Ephesus - Milet, Priene, Didyma by Bus - YK106
4 Days Ephesus - Milet, Priene, Didyma by Bus - YK106
4 Days Ephesus - Milet, Priene, Didyma by Bus - YK106
4 Days Ephesus - Milet, Priene, Didyma by Bus - YK106
4 Days Ephesus - Milet, Priene, Didyma by Bus - YK106
4 Days Ephesus - Milet, Priene, Didyma by Bus - YK106
4 Days Ephesus - Milet, Priene, Didyma by Bus - YK106


Miletus: Now surrounded by arid plains, Miletus once sat upon a thin strip of land surrounded by four separate harbors. Envied for its prosperity and its strategic coastal location, the citywas destroyed and resettled several times. . Eventually, it suffered the same fate as its Ionian confederates- the silting of its harbor and waters by neighboring rivers caused its decline. Priene : Around 300BC Priene became prominent as a member of the Ionian Confederation of cities in the region of Smyrna (modern Izmir). Didyma: Ancient Didyma was the site of a sacred sanctuary to Apollo and an oracle thatbrought in most of the city”s fame and wealth.

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