• TourTurka

5 Days - Seven Churches of Revelation

Views : 250
Price : 712.00
5 Day
5 Days - Seven Churches of Revelation
5 Days - Seven Churches of Revelation
5 Days - Seven Churches of Revelation
5 Days - Seven Churches of Revelation
5 Days - Seven Churches of Revelation
5 Days - Seven Churches of Revelation
5 Days - Seven Churches of Revelation
5 Days - Seven Churches of Revelation
5 Days - Seven Churches of Revelation
5 Days - Seven Churches of Revelation


Visit > Pergamum, Red Basilica, Thyatira, Smyrna (Izmir), Philadelphia, Sardis, Laodicea, Ancient Ephesus, The Temple of Artemis, House of Virgin Mary, St John Basilica. Accommodation, Bible-oriented Guide, Lunch at tours, luxury transportation provided. This is a customized 5 days package with Professional bible oriented guides. The seven churches in revelation refer to seven literal churches described in Revelation chapters 2 and 3. At the time these were the seven cities with major Christian congregations in Anatolia. The archeological remains of all seven locations still exist today.

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