• TourTurka

7 Churches in Asia Minor (06 Night – 07 Days Turkey)

Views : 250
Price : 1.509.96
7 Day
7 Churches in Asia Minor (06 Night – 07 Days Turkey)
7 Churches in Asia Minor (06 Night – 07 Days Turkey)
7 Churches in Asia Minor (06 Night – 07 Days Turkey)
7 Churches in Asia Minor (06 Night – 07 Days Turkey)
7 Churches in Asia Minor (06 Night – 07 Days Turkey)
7 Churches in Asia Minor (06 Night – 07 Days Turkey)
7 Churches in Asia Minor (06 Night – 07 Days Turkey)
7 Churches in Asia Minor (06 Night – 07 Days Turkey)
7 Churches in Asia Minor (06 Night – 07 Days Turkey)
7 Churches in Asia Minor (06 Night – 07 Days Turkey)


The Seven Churches of Revelations or the Churches of Apocalypse that are in the book of John refer to seven major cities through Western Turkey: Thyatira-Sardis-Laodicea-Philadelphia-Hierapolis-Aphrodisias. All these places provided a relatively safe haven for the Early Christians. For those looking to make a spiritual journey, Turkey cannot be overlooked. For a more in-depth discovery of Biblical Turkey, join our tours where you can choose to do a small group tour or a private tour. Drive to the healing city of Hierapolis and Pamukkale, which is a white cotton fortress where hot mineral water bursts from the ground and cascades over cliffs forming pools, channels, and stalactites. You will venture to the UNESCO-listed Ephesus where you will see one of the world's best-preserved ancient sites and see where the Virgin Mary spent her final days at the House of the Virgin Mary. Get to experience the Temple of Artemis one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.

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