• TourTurka

Turkish Bath and Massage Cappadocia

Views : 250
Price : 120.00
1 Hour
Turkish Bath and Massage Cappadocia
Turkish Bath and Massage Cappadocia
Turkish Bath and Massage Cappadocia
Turkish Bath and Massage Cappadocia
Turkish Bath and Massage Cappadocia
Turkish Bath and Massage Cappadocia
Turkish Bath and Massage Cappadocia
Turkish Bath and Massage Cappadocia
Turkish Bath and Massage Cappadocia
Turkish Bath and Massage Cappadocia


Hammam, also known as Turkish Bath, is a centuries-old religious and spiritual cleaning bath said to originate in Turkey and the Middle East. It is a type of a steam bath and a visit to Turkey is not complete it you haven’t visited one. Hammam is the complete cleaning ritual and spiritual refreshment; and its uniqueness is a complete mental and physical relaxation. There is a popular saying among people in the East tor hammam: „lt takes your body and soul.“ Let yourself to the charms of Oriental ritual bath in hammam, just like Turkish Sultans and Sultanas

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