Discover Ağrı



Nestled within volcanic highlands along eastern Turkey's remote border lies the mountainous province of Ağrı. Serving as the economic hub with around 330,000 residents, it retains cultural sites amid dramatic landscapes. Summers are mild while winters see heavy snowfall. Surrounding Ağrı, forested slopes sustain livestock herding and trout-rich streams. Within the historic city core, landmarks like Ağrı Castle exhibit Ottoman influences. Nearby Doğubayazıt hosts unique Ulu Mosque and traditional villages.

Connected via roads winding through scenic terrain, hotels, pensions and thermal facilities can be found near restaurants along lively Atatürk Avenue. Outdoor pursuits include hiking volcanic Mt. Ararat, fishing and cross-country skiing at Patnos resort.

Further exploration visits rural villages exhibiting stone architecture and craft workshops. Hot springs emerge amid scenery at Eleşkirt and Diyadin. Ağrı offers glimpses into rural Anatolia's cultural practices and natural beauty within Eastern Turkey's rugged highlands.

  1. Transportation: Ağrı can be reached by bus or car from major cities in Turkey. The nearest airport is Ağrı Ahmed-i Hani Airport (AJI), which offers limited domestic flights. Alternatively, you can fly to neighboring airports such as Erzurum Airport (ERZ) or Kars Harakani Airport (KSY) and continue your journey to Ağrı by road. Within the city, local transportation options include taxis and minibusses.

  2. Climate: Ağrı experiences a continental climate, characterized by hot summers and cold winters. Summers (June to August) can be hot during the day, so it's advisable to carry sunscreen and stay hydrated. Winters (December to February) are very cold, with temperatures often dropping well below freezing. It's recommended to pack lightweight clothing for the summer and bring warm layers for the winter months.

  3. Attractions: Ağrı offers a range of attractions, showcasing its natural wonders and historical significance. Here are some popular places to visit:

    • Mount Ararat: Marvel at the majestic Mount Ararat, the highest peak in Turkey and an iconic symbol of the region. The mountain is a popular destination for trekking and mountaineering, although climbing to the summit requires experience and preparation.

    • Ishak Pasha Palace: Explore the magnificent Ishak Pasha Palace, located near the city of Doğubeyazıt. This 17th-century Ottoman palace is a masterpiece of architecture, combining Turkish, Persian, and Armenian influences.

    • Ağrı National Park: Discover the scenic beauty of Ağrı National Park, which surrounds Mount Ararat. The park offers opportunities for hiking, wildlife observation, and enjoying the picturesque landscapes.

    • Noah's Ark Site: Visit the Noah's Ark Site, located on Mount Süphan, another significant mountain in the region. According to biblical tradition, this is where Noah's Ark came to rest after the Great Flood.

  4. Outdoor Activities: Ağrı is a paradise for outdoor enthusiasts, offering a range of activities amidst its breathtaking natural landscapes. Here are a few notable options:

    • Trekking and Mountaineering: Embark on challenging treks and mountaineering expeditions in the mountains of Ağrı. Besides Mount Ararat, there are numerous other peaks and trails to explore.

    • Wildlife Observation: Discover the diverse flora and fauna of Ağrı by observing the local wildlife. The national parks and mountainous regions are home to various animal species, including wild goats, wolves, and eagles.

  5. Local Cuisine: Ağrı offers a delightful culinary experience with its unique flavors and traditional dishes. Don't miss the chance to try local specialties such as "Kürt Dolması" (stuffed grape leaves), "Kelle Paça" (sheep's head soup), and "Ayran Aşı" (a yogurt-based soup). You can find restaurants and local eateries to savor the authentic taste of Ağrı cuisine.

  6. Accommodation: Ağrı offers a range of accommodation options, including hotels, guesthouses, and budget-friendly establishments. Many of these are located in the city center or near tourist attractions, providing convenient access to amenities and services.

Before your trip, it's advisable to check the latest travel advisories and guidelines, as well as any specific requirements for entry into Turkey. If you plan to climb Mount Ararat or engage in outdoor activities, ensure that you have the necessary permits and equipment. Enjoy your visit to Ağrı and immerse yourself in its awe-inspiring landscapes, historical sites, and warm hospitality!


Büyük Ağrı, also known as Mount Ararat, is a massive dormant volcano located in eastern Turkey near the borders with Armenia and Iran. With an elevation of 5,137 meters (16,854 feet), it is the highest peak in Turkey. Mount Ararat sits within the boundaries of Agri Province and is part of the Lesser Caucasus Mountains range. Geologically, it is ..

Rising majestically near the border with Armenia lies Little Ararat Mountain, located within Doğubayazıt district of Ağrı province in eastern Turkey. Standing at 3,896 m (12,782 ft), its dormant volcanic cone embraces an alpine climate with heavy winter snows. Surrounding Little Ararat, dense forests cloaking rugged slopes sustain diverse wildli..

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Nestled at the base of volcanic mountains in eastern Turkey lies the scenic freshwater lake of Fish. Located near the city of Ağrı in Ağrı Province, it arises from springs and streams flowing from the surrounding peaks. Fringed by pine forests and reed beds, Lake Fish's azure waters provide a tranquil setting amid dramatic highland scenery. A hi..

Buzluk Cave is located in the Ağrı Province of Turkey, about 50 kilometers from the city of Ağrı. The cave is accessible by car or public transportation. By car, take the D950 highway from Ağrı to Doğubeyazıt. After about 30 kilometers, turn left onto the D280 highway. Follow the D280 for about 20 kilometers to the village of Buzluk. The cave is..