Nestled amidst forested mountains along Turkey's remote northeastern border lies the scenic Lake Aktaş, also known as Hozapin. Situated near the village of Posof close to the frontier with neighboring Georgia, it emerges from streams flowing from peaks over 2,000 meters tall. Fringed by pine woods and reed beds, its azure waters provide a scenic respite amid stark alpine scenery. A hiking trail circles the shoreline through dense woodlands. Ov..

Welcome to Lake Çıldır, a stunning natural wonder located in the Ardahan Province of Eastern Anatolia, Turkey. Known for its breathtaking beauty, vast expanse, and unique characteristics, Lake Çıldır offers visitors a serene and captivating experience. With its crystal-clear waters, snow-capped mountains, and vibrant wildlife, Lake Çıldır is a hidden gem for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts.