Discover Çorum



The province of Çorum lies in central Turkey's Çorum Plain region, surrounded by the verdant foothills of the Pontic Mountains. Serving as the capital city with over 300,000 residents, it retains cultural heritage alongside modern influences. Summers are warm and dry while winters see occasional snow. Surrounding Çorum, flatlands sustain agriculture and livestock grazing central to homestyle cuisines. Within the historic districts, a well-preserved 16th century citadel complex overlooks the Grand Mosque and artifacts museum. Traditional crafts like woodwork, pottery and silk weaving thrive in rural villages.

Outdoor pursuits extend along scenic highways reaching Kızılırmak Delta's wetlands, Osmancık Canyon ideal for hiking, and Ilgaz Mountains' powder trails. Country estates at Safranbolu offer windows into 19th century Ottoman life.

Well-connected via highways to Ankara and Kastamonu, the city provides accommodation in hotels, pensions and hot spring resorts near restaurants along pedestrian-friendly Atatürk Avenue. It serves as a gateway to experience rural culture and scenery across the plains.

  1. Transportation: The nearest airport to Çorum is Ankara Esenboğa Airport (ESB), which offers domestic and international flights. From the airport, you can reach Çorum by bus, taxi, or private transfer. Alternatively, you can travel to Çorum by bus from major cities in Turkey. Within the city, local transportation options include buses and taxis.

  2. Climate: Çorum has a continental climate with hot, dry summers and cold, snowy winters. The best time to visit Çorum is during the spring (April to June) and autumn (September to October) when the weather is mild and pleasant. Summers can be hot, while winters are cold with occasional snowfall.

  3. Attractions: Çorum offers a range of attractions, including historical sites, archaeological treasures, and natural wonders. Here are some popular places to visit in Çorum:

    • Hattusha: Located near Çorum, Hattusha is an ancient Hittite capital and a UNESCO World Heritage site. Explore the well-preserved ruins, including temples, palaces, and defensive walls, and learn about the fascinating civilization that once thrived here.

    • Alacahöyük: Alacahöyük is another significant archaeological site near Çorum. It features remnants of the Hittite and Bronze Age civilizations, including a royal tomb and ancient artifacts. The on-site museum provides further insights into the area's history.

    • Çorum Museum: The Çorum Museum houses a diverse collection of archaeological finds, including Hittite artifacts, Roman mosaics, and Byzantine-era sculptures. It's a great place to delve into the region's rich history.

    • Sungurlu Caves: Located in Sungurlu, a district of Çorum, the Sungurlu Caves are a series of underground chambers with stunning stalactite and stalagmite formations. Guided tours are available to explore the caves and admire their natural beauty.

  4. Local Cuisine: Çorum is famous for its local cuisine, which includes unique dishes and traditional flavors. Some local specialties to try include "Çorum Leblebisi" (roasted chickpeas), "Çorum Mantısı" (a savory dumpling dish), "Çorum Pilavı" (a rice pilaf with bulgur and spices), and "Çorum Aşı" (a hearty soup with lentils and meat).

  5. Accommodation: Çorum offers a range of accommodation options, including hotels and guesthouses. Most of the hotels are located in the city center, providing easy access to major attractions and amenities.

As always, it's advisable to check the latest travel advisories and guidelines before your trip, as they may change. Enjoy your visit to Çorum and immerse yourself in its historical sites, archaeological wonders, and delicious cuisine!


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