Niğde / Mountains

Rising from the central Anatolian plains northwest of Niğde lies the montane region known as Demirkazık Dağları, or the Mountains of Demirkazık. Reaching elevations of around 3,756 m (12,323 ft), this rugged range experiences hot dry summers and cool winters. Surrounding the Demirkazık Mountains, scrub-covered foothills sustain seasonal agriculture and grazing. Wooded valleys contain historical settlements. Within the mountains, protected gray..

Rising prominently in northern Turkey's Bilecik province is the scenic Hasan Mountains range. Its forested peaks reach elevations around 3,253 m (10,673 ft), overlooking the surrounding rural landscape. Surrounding the Hasan Mountains, thick deciduous and coniferous forests cloak steep slopes home to wildlife like deer, fox and wild boar. Glacial streams nourish dense vegetation and forests.