Discover Sinop



Situated on the picturesque Black Sea coast in northern Turkey, Sinop serves as the capital of Sinop Province. With a population of around 100,000, it enjoys a humid subtropical climate characterized by warm, wet summers and mild, wet winters. Surrounded by lush forests and farmland, Sinop is known for producing high-quality timber, hazelnuts and tea. Within the peninsula-style city center, well-preserved historical districts contain Byzantine-era castles, Ottoman mansions and mosques.

Nearby beach towns like Ayancık offer seaside hotels and restaurants serving Black Sea delicacies like hamsi fish. Off-the-beaten path villages in Boyabat preserve traditional architecture and handicrafts. Further natural beauty unfolds along scenic coastal highways north to the immigrant town of Turgutlu.

Connected via Sinop Airport and roads to Samsun and Ankara, the city provides accommodation in hotels, pensions and thermal spas. It serves as a convenient base for exploring both rural and coastal attractions along Turkey's northern shores.

  1. Transportation: The nearest airport to Sinop is Sinop Airport (NOP), which offers domestic flights from major cities in Turkey. From the airport, you can reach the city center by taxi or private transfer. Alternatively, you can travel to Sinop by bus from various cities in Turkey. Within the city, local transportation options include buses and taxis.

  2. Climate: Sinop has a mild and temperate climate with warm summers and cool winters. The best time to visit Sinop is during the spring (April to June) and autumn (September to October) when the weather is pleasant for outdoor activities. Summers are generally warm and sunny, while winters can be cool with some rainfall.

  3. Attractions: Sinop boasts a wealth of attractions, ranging from historical sites to natural wonders. Here are some popular places to visit in Sinop:

    • Sinop Castle: The Sinop Castle is a well-preserved fortress located on a promontory overlooking the Black Sea. Dating back to the 7th century, it offers panoramic views of the city and houses a museum showcasing artifacts from various periods.

    • Sinop Archaeology Museum: The Sinop Archaeology Museum is a must-visit for history enthusiasts. It displays a collection of archaeological finds from the region, including ancient pottery, coins, and sculptures.

    • Tarihi Pazar (Historic Bazaar): The Tarihi Pazar is a vibrant market located in the city center. Here, you can explore the bustling stalls selling local produce, handicrafts, textiles, and traditional Turkish goods.

    • Sinop Prison: The Sinop Prison, also known as the Sinop Fortress Prison, is a significant historical site that once housed political prisoners. It has been converted into a museum that offers a glimpse into the prison's dark past and the stories of its inmates.

    • Hamsilos Nature Reserve: Located near Sinop, Hamsilos is a stunning natural reserve known for its unique rock formations and tranquil atmosphere. It offers hiking trails, picnic spots, and boat tours along the beautiful coastline.

  4. Local Cuisine: Sinop's cuisine is influenced by its coastal location and offers an array of delicious seafood dishes. Some local specialties to try include "Sinop Karalahana Çorbası" (kale soup), "Sinop Uskumru" (grilled mackerel), "Sinop Balığı" (Sinop-style fish), and "Sinop Pidesi" (a local variation of Turkish flatbread).

  5. Accommodation: Sinop offers a range of accommodation options, including hotels, guesthouses, and boutique accommodations. Most of the hotels are located near the city center or along the coastline, providing easy access to major attractions and the beautiful beaches.

As always, it's advisable to check the latest travel advisories and guidelines before your trip, as they may change. Enjoy your visit to Sinop and immerse yourself in its historical sites, natural beauty, and vibrant culture!


Sinop Museum (Turkish: Sinop Müzesi) is a museum in Sinop, Turkey, that houses a collection of artifacts from the region. The museum was founded in 1975, and is located in the city center. The museum's collection includes over 10,000 objects, including sculptures, mosaics, inscriptions, and pottery. The collection focuses on the history of Sinop fr..

Inaltı Cave, located in Ayancık, Sinop, Turkey, is a captivating natural wonder that offers visitors a unique underground experience. This cave, also known as İnaltı Underground City, invites exploration and provides a glimpse into the region's geological and historical heritage. Inaltı Cave is renowned for its impressive stalactite and stalagmi..

Boyabat Castle, located in the town of Boyabat in the Sinop province of Turkey, is a historic landmark that offers visitors a glimpse into the region's rich past. This impressive fortress stands proudly on a hilltop, overlooking the surrounding landscape and serving as a testament to the area's strategic importance throughout history. The origin..

Sinop Castle, located in the heart of Sinop city center, is an iconic historical landmark and a must-visit attraction for travelers exploring the Sinop province in Turkey. Towering above the city's skyline, this ancient fortress offers a captivating glimpse into the region's rich history and provides panoramic views of the Black Sea. The origins..