Trip Time

6 Hour
50 Minute


Zağ Mağaraları is situated in the province of Bingöl, which is located in eastern Turkey. The caves are nestled within the picturesque landscape of Bingöl's mountainous region. The most convenient way to reach Zağ Mağaraları is by private vehicle or taxi. From Bingöl city center, you can follow the road towards the village of Zağ to reach the caves. The exact directions may vary, so it's advisable to ask locals or consult a map for accurate guidance.

Zağ Cave is situated 13km northeast of the city center of Bingöl in eastern Turkey. Formed within limestone rock layers over thousands of years, this cave system extends over 3km underground.

The cave entrance lies at an altitude of 1850m, providing access to a wonderland of geological formations year-round. Spacious galleries within display an array of colorful stalactites, stalagmites, columns and shawls in hues of white, pink, orange and brown. Pools, streams and waterfalls fed by melting snow further adorn sections of the cavern.

Daily tours lasting 2-3 hours explore well-lit pathways through some of the largest and most scenic chambers. Temperatures inside remain at a consistent 14°C. Sturdy footwear, extra batteries and warm clothing are recommended.

Archaeological excavations have uncovered stone tools and fossilized cave bear bones dating human presence back over 25,000 years. More recent finds include Hittite and Byzantine pottery shards.

  1. Cave Exploration: Zağ Mağaraları offers a unique underground experience with impressive rock formations, stalactites, and stalagmites. Exploring the caves allows visitors to witness the wonders of nature in a stunning subterranean environment. It's recommended to wear sturdy shoes and bring a flashlight or headlamp to navigate through the caves.

  2. Guided Tours: While specific information about guided tours might be limited, it's advisable to inquire locally or contact tourism authorities in Bingöl to check if guided tours are available for Zağ Mağaraları. Local guides can provide valuable insights into the caves' geological features and ensure your safety during the visit.

  3. Facilities: The cave site may offer basic facilities such as parking areas and restrooms. However, as the availability of amenities can vary, it's a good idea to bring your own snacks and water.

  4. Nearby Attractions: Bingöl is known for its natural beauty, and there are other attractions in the area worth exploring. You can visit places like Çır Şelalesi (Çır Waterfall), Karlıova Ski Center, and the stunning landscapes of Bingöl Lake.

Visitors can reach Zağ Cave by car via the airport road from Bingöl city center. A small information center and parking area lie near the entrance. Guided tours are conducted upon reservation by the local grotto commission.

Zağ Cave offers a unique glimpse into Bingöl's breathtaking natural wonders and rich prehistoric heritage beneath the earth's surface.



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