Gordion Ancient City

Trip Time

3 Hour
15 Minute


Gordion Ancient City, located in the Ankara Province of central Turkey, is an archaeological site of great historical significance. It was the capital city of the ancient Phrygian Kingdom and is known for its association with the legendary King Midas.

Historical Background:
Gordion traces its origins back to the Bronze Age, but it flourished as a political and cultural center during the Iron Age, particularly from the 9th to the 6th centuries BCE. The city reached its peak during the reign of King Midas, who ruled in the 8th century BCE. Gordion was an important hub for trade and diplomacy, connecting various civilizations and cultures in the region.

Archaeological Discoveries:
Excavations at Gordion have revealed a wealth of archaeological treasures that provide insights into the city's history and the Phrygian civilization. One of the most famous discoveries at Gordion was the tomb of King Midas, which was uncovered in the 1950s. Inside the tomb, archaeologists found a wealth of funerary offerings and artifacts, including intricate gold jewelry, ceramics, and other precious objects. These findings shed light on the artistic and cultural achievements of the Phrygians.

Another significant discovery was the Great Tumulus, also known as the "Midas Mound." This monumental burial mound, located within Gordion, is believed to be the tomb of an important Phrygian ruler. The mound is an impressive sight and a testament to the grandeur and power of the Phrygian civilization.

Visiting Gordion Ancient City:
When visiting Gordion Ancient City, visitors have the opportunity to explore the remains of this ancient capital and experience its historical and cultural significance. The site offers a glimpse into the city's layout, architecture, and daily life of its inhabitants.

One of the main attractions is the Midas Monument, a massive stone structure that is believed to have served as a ceremonial gateway to the city. The monument features relief carvings depicting mythological creatures, lions, and griffins.

Visitors can also explore the ruins of the city walls, fortifications, residential areas, and public buildings, which provide insights into the city's planning and construction techniques of the time.

The Gordion Museum, located on-site, houses a rich collection of artifacts found during excavations, including objects from the tomb of King Midas. The museum offers a deeper understanding of the Phrygian civilization and the historical significance of Gordion.

It is advisable to wear comfortable shoes and bring sun protection when visiting Gordion, as the site involves walking and can be exposed to the sun. Guided tours are available, providing valuable insights into the history and archaeology of the ancient city.

Gordion Ancient City stands as a remarkable testament to the Phrygian civilization and its cultural heritage. It offers a fascinating journey into the past, allowing visitors to explore the remains of an ancient capital and connect with the rich history of the region.


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