Selge Ancient City

Trip Time

3 Hour
25 Minute


Selge Ancient City, located in the rugged Taurus Mountains of present-day Turkey, is a remarkable archaeological site that offers a glimpse into the rich history and culture of the ancient Lycian civilization. Nestled in a picturesque mountainous setting, Selge is renowned for its well-preserved ruins, stunning natural scenery, and a sense of tranquility that captivates visitors.

The history of Selge dates back to the 5th century BCE when it was founded by a group of indigenous peoples known as the Pisidians. Over the centuries, Selge flourished as an independent city-state, with its strategic location along the trade routes contributing to its prosperity and cultural exchange.

As you explore the ruins of Selge, you'll encounter impressive architectural remnants that speak to the city's past glory. The most prominent structure is the well-preserved Roman theater, which could accommodate thousands of spectators. The theater offers breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains and valleys, creating a captivating backdrop for performances and cultural events.

Another notable feature of Selge is the Bouleuterion, an ancient assembly hall where the city's council of elders would meet. This circular building, with its rows of seats and a central podium, showcases the civic and political life of Selge during the Hellenistic and Roman periods.

The city also boasts a remarkably preserved stadium, which was used for sporting events and competitions, reflecting the importance of athletic pursuits in ancient Selge. Visitors can walk along the track and imagine the cheering crowds that once filled the stands.

Selge is known for its intricate network of rock-cut tombs, which are scattered throughout the site. Carved into the cliffs, these tombs showcase the funerary practices and beliefs of the ancient inhabitants. Some of the tombs feature elaborate facades and reliefs, providing a glimpse into the artistry and craftsmanship of the time.

Beyond its historical significance, Selge is surrounded by natural beauty. The site is enveloped by lush greenery, deep canyons, and flowing rivers, offering opportunities for hiking, nature walks, and exploration. The pristine landscape adds to the allure of Selge, providing a serene and picturesque backdrop for your visit.

While visiting Selge, it is recommended to take the time to explore the on-site museum, which houses a collection of artifacts discovered during excavations. These artifacts include statues, pottery, and inscriptions, offering further insights into the daily life, culture, and religious practices of the ancient Selgians.

Selge Ancient City provides a captivating travel experience, combining history, archaeology, and natural beauty. Whether you are a history enthusiast, an adventure seeker, or simply seeking a serene escape, Selge's well-preserved ruins and breathtaking surroundings will transport you back in time and leave you with a profound appreciation for the ancient civilizations that once thrived in this mountainous region.


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