Mountain Of Başet

Trip Time

12 Hour
30 Minute


Rising majestically above the plains southeast of Van city lies the remote Başet Mountains. Peaking at over 3,684 m (12,087 ft), its forested volcanic massif experiences prolonged winters with heavy snowfall from December to March.

Surrounding the Başet Mountains, dense oak and pine forests cloak steep valleys home to wildlife like Eurasian brown bears and East Caucasian tur. Glacial streams like the Güzeldere River nourish alpine meadows grazed by nomadic yörük herders and their livestock in summer months.

Hiking trails traverse rugged volcanic landscapes scarred by glacial erosion towards panoramic views of Lesser Caucasus peaks across the border in Armenia. Outdoor pursuits include mountaineering, trout fishing, wildlife watching, and overnighting in simple stone huts or camping amid alpine wildflowers and berries.

Further exploration passes seasonal yayla settlements drying foods like cheese and visiting remote Armenian monasteries. Archaeological sites indicate ancient Urartian and Iranian settlement.

Venturing into this highland wilderness rewards with inspiring scenery and cultural insights into pastoral traditions still practiced in eastern Turkey's remotest terrain.

  1. Location: Başet Mountain, also known as Başit Mountain or Başet Tepesi in Turkish, is situated in the eastern part of Turkey, near the city of Van. Van is the capital city of the Van Province and is located in the eastern Anatolia region of Turkey.

  2. Elevation: The exact elevation of Başet Mountain is not readily available. However, it is a prominent peak in the region and offers scenic views of the surrounding landscape.

  3. Geography and Landscape: Başet Mountain is characterized by its rugged terrain and rocky slopes. The mountain is part of the larger mountainous region in eastern Anatolia, which includes other notable peaks such as Süphan Mountain and Ağrı Mountain (Mount Ararat). The area is known for its diverse landscapes, including high plateaus, deep valleys, and volcanic formations.

  4. Natural Environment: The region around Başet Mountain is rich in natural beauty and biodiversity. The mountain and its surroundings are home to various plant and animal species, including unique flora and fauna adapted to the mountainous conditions. The area is known for its alpine meadows, wildflowers, and wildlife.

  5. Cultural Significance: The Van region has a rich historical and cultural heritage. The city of Van itself is known for its ancient ruins, including the Van Fortress and the Armenian Church of Akdamar Island. The mountainous landscapes, including Başet Mountain, have influenced the local culture and traditional way of life.

Please note that detailed information about specific mountains in remote regions may be limited, and conditions may vary over time. It is recommended to consult with local authorities, experienced guides, or tourism agencies for the most up-to-date and accurate information before planning a visit to Başet Mountain in Van.


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