Tlos Ancient City

Trip Time

3 Hour
45 Minute


Tlos Ancient City, located in the picturesque province of Muğla in southwestern Turkey, is a remarkable archaeological site that offers a captivating blend of history, mythology, and natural beauty. Nestled amidst the scenic landscapes of the Taurus Mountains, Tlos stands as a testament to the ancient civilizations that once thrived in the region.

With a history dating back thousands of years, Tlos holds a prominent place in Greek, Lycian, and Roman mythology. According to ancient tales, Tlos was established by the mythical hero Tlos, who was believed to be the son of the god Apollo. The city flourished during the Lycian period and later became an important Roman settlement.

As you explore Tlos, you'll encounter a wealth of archaeological remains that provide insights into its rich past. The most striking feature of the site is the well-preserved acropolis, situated atop a hill. The acropolis boasts majestic fortress walls, towers, and rock-cut tombs, showcasing the architectural prowess of the ancient inhabitants.

One of the notable highlights of Tlos is the Roman theater, which is exceptionally well-preserved. The theater offers a magnificent view of the surrounding countryside and provides a sense of the grandeur and cultural significance of theatrical performances in ancient times.

Tlos is also renowned for its rock-cut tombs, carved into the cliffs surrounding the city. These tombs, adorned with intricate reliefs and decorations, offer a glimpse into the burial customs and artistic achievements of the Lycian civilization. The most famous of these tombs is the Tomb of Bellerophon, featuring a relief depicting the mythical hero riding the winged horse Pegasus.

Beyond the archaeological remains, Tlos boasts natural beauty that complements its historical significance. The site is surrounded by stunning landscapes, including the imposing Babadağ Mountain and the fertile Xanthos Valley. Visitors can take leisurely walks along the ancient streets, enjoying the panoramic views and the tranquility of the countryside.

For those interested in mythology, Tlos holds a special allure. According to ancient legends, Bellerophon, the hero associated with Tlos, was said to have defeated the fearsome Chimera, a fire-breathing monster. The story of Bellerophon and the Chimera has inspired countless works of art and literature throughout history.

When visiting Tlos, it is advisable to wear comfortable shoes suitable for walking on uneven terrain. The site offers limited facilities, so it's recommended to bring water, sunscreen, and a hat, as shade can be scarce in some areas.

In conclusion, Tlos Ancient City in Muğla, Turkey, presents a captivating journey into the past, combining historical significance, mythological tales, and breathtaking natural landscapes. The well-preserved acropolis, theater, and rock-cut tombs provide a window into the ancient Lycian and Roman civilizations, while the surrounding mountains and valleys offer a serene and picturesque backdrop. Whether you are a history enthusiast, a mythology lover, or simply seeking an immersive experience in nature, a visit to Tlos Ancient City promises an unforgettable adventure.


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