Yazılıkaya Ancient City

Trip Time

3 Hour
45 Minute


Yazılıkaya Ancient City, located in the central Anatolian region of modern-day Turkey, is an intriguing archaeological site that holds deep historical and cultural significance. Situated near the city of Hattusa, Yazılıkaya is renowned for its rock-cut sanctuary and its association with the Hittite civilization.

Yazılıkaya, meaning "inscribed rock," derives its name from the numerous rock reliefs found within the site. These reliefs, carved into the natural rock formations, depict a procession of Hittite deities and figures engaged in religious rituals. The intricately carved reliefs offer valuable insights into the religious beliefs and mythological traditions of the Hittite people.

As you explore Yazılıkaya, you will encounter two main chambers: the large open-air sanctuary and the smaller chamber known as the "Beycesultan Monuments." These chambers are adorned with a series of reliefs, showcasing the Hittite pantheon of gods and goddesses in a solemn and majestic manner.

One of the most remarkable features of Yazılıkaya is the Great Mother Goddess relief. This central figure, surrounded by other deities and attendants, highlights the importance of female divinities in the Hittite religious system and their association with fertility and nurturing.

The site also includes a number of inscriptions in the ancient Hittite language, providing valuable linguistic and historical evidence. The inscriptions offer glimpses into the Hittite religio-cultural practices and shed light on the rituals conducted within the sanctuary.

Yazılıkaya's association with the nearby city of Hattusa, the capital of the Hittite Empire, further enhances its historical significance. Hattusa was a major political and cultural hub during the Late Bronze Age, and Yazılıkaya likely served as an important religious center for the Hittite rulers and their subjects.

When visiting Yazılıkaya Ancient City, it is advisable to wear comfortable shoes suitable for walking on uneven terrain. The site may have limited facilities, so it's recommended to bring water, sunscreen, and a hat for sun protection.

Exploring Yazılıkaya offers a unique opportunity to delve into the fascinating world of the Hittite civilization, their religious practices, and their artistic achievements. The rock-cut reliefs and inscriptions provide a tangible connection to a bygone era and shed light on the cultural and religious customs of one of the ancient world's great civilizations.

In addition to visiting Yazılıkaya, consider exploring the nearby archaeological site of Hattusa, which offers further insights into the Hittite Empire. The remains of Hattusa include towering city walls, royal buildings, temples, and residential areas, providing a comprehensive understanding of Hittite urban life.

In summary, Yazılıkaya Ancient City is a captivating destination for history enthusiasts and those interested in ancient civilizations. The rock-cut sanctuary with its impressive reliefs and inscriptions offers a glimpse into the religious and mythological beliefs of the Hittite people. Combined with a visit to the nearby city of Hattusa, Yazılıkaya provides a compelling journey into the ancient Hittite world and its cultural legacy.


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